Lottery Sambad Today Result ⇩
This is the 1:00 PM result of Lottery Sambad today. You can view the Lottery Sambad Result 1:00 PM draw here on this page. The 1:00 pm draw of Lottery Sambad is rescheduled and is now taking place at (new timing). The result of Lottery Sambad for the 1:00 p.m. draw is uploaded on this webpage daily. You can check out the result of 1:00 pm lottery Sambad draw here. Keep in touch with us to find out the result of your lucky draw at 1:00 pm.
You can also check out the results of other draws at 6 pm and 8 pm on other pages of our website. We update the Sambad lottery daily for 1 pm, 6 pm and 8 pm as well. This is the best site in India to check the result of Lottery Sambad daily results. We also provide you with schedules of all draws of the lottery Sambad and other lotteries as well. You can also check the results of other rewards such as bumper prizes on our website.
Check the daily results of the Sambad lottery here. Participate in the Lottery Sambad and keep visiting us to find out the results.
Dear Morning 1:00 PM Tickets
Day | Ticket Name |
Monday | Dear Dwarka Monday Weekly (प्रिय द्वारका सोमवार साप्ताहिक) |
Tuesday | Dear Godavari Tuesday Weekly (प्रिय गोदावरी मंगलवार साप्ताहिक) |
Wednesday | Dear Indus Wednesday Weekly (प्रिय सिंधु बुधवार साप्ताहिक) |
Thursday | Dear Mahanadi Thursday Weekly (प्रिय महानदी साप्ताहिक गुरूवार) |
Friday | Dear Meghna Friday Weekly (प्रिय मेघना शुक्रवार साप्ताहिक) |
Saturday | Dear Narmada Saturday Weekly (प्रिय नर्मदा शनिवार साप्ताहिक) |
Sunday | Dear Yamuna Sunday Weekly (प्रिय यमुना रविवार साप्ताहिक) |
Dear Morning 1:00 PM Prize
Rank | No. of Prizes | Prize Amount (in ₹) | Super Prize Amount (in ₹) |
1 | 1 | 99,00,000 | 1,00,000 |
Cons. | 579 | 1,000 | 500 |
2 | 5800 | 9,000 | 500 |
3 | 58000 | 500 | 50 |
4 | 58000 | 250 | 20 |
5 | 580000 | 120 | 10 |